Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dating, A Woman’s Private Game

Dating is a game to most women, there’s no question about that, but this is something most men don’t realize. Most men have a goal in mind; a guy may be out at night trying to get laid or looking for a gorgeous girl next door to settle down with, and all that bullshit that goes along with it is just an obstacle to most guys. Dating is really just something to get you to the end goal, it doesn’t hold any value in and of itself. But to women, dating is an end in itself. What do I mean here? Look at it this way, guys talk to women generally because we want something…we want to get laid, or we want to get her phone number, or we want to take her with us to a party next weekend, but women talk to guys just for the hell of it. That’s right, women actually enjoy the simple act of interacting, and the key is, they enjoy it without any particular goal in mind. This all springs from the fact that women tend to live more in the moment than men. Men tend to be more analytical and prefer to plan things and achieve goals; women tend to focus on the “here and now” and are driven more by emotions. These emotions can, and often do change on a whim, and are not driven by any sort of achievable goal in their minds. This all means that when you’re talking to that perfect 10 at the bar, she isn’t thinking about the next step, or where this will end up, she’s just having fun playing the game right then and there. And that’s something that throws a lot of guys off; they don’t realize that women play so many games because they like to fuck with our heads…they enjoy seeing our reactions and they really enjoy it when we can play the game just as good, or better, than they can.
Now here’s another little nugget that most guys don’t realize. While it’s a pain in the fucking ass to deal with a woman’s games, especially when we just want to get to the point and play hide the salami. A woman shit testing you is actually a good thing…it shows she hasn’t ruled out the possibility of boning you yet. And to any guy who’s ever made the mistake of slipping into friend-zone knows, once you slip into that zone it’s nearly impossible to get out. Plus, women are programmed to play games, and to like it, but only with guys who they view as potential fuck buddies. So to all you guys reading this thinking, “women don’t play games with me,” well, that’s because they just aren’t into you…… Sorry. Most women, especially the sexy ones, are phenomenal at messing with guys’ heads and making guys fall all over themselves to try and get into their pants. While that means sexy women are that much more difficult to get into bed, it also means that once you master the game, the sexiest women will be totally turned on by you, if for no other reason than the fact that most guys simply can’t compete. By beating her at her own game, you’re showing a woman that you’re in tune with how she operates on such a level that you aren’t phased by even the strongest plays she’s got in her playbook. If you can manage to turn those plays around on her, and beat her at her own game, you’ll be plowing the shit out of her within a week.
So treat every interaction as a playful game, with no “chips on the table.” Relax because it’s just a simple flirting game with no egos involved. Build attraction with the woman through humor, subtle touching and “takeaway” strategies discussed in earlier articles. When the woman start’s to “shit test” you, like asking you for a drink for her and her friend, smile confidently and reply “is your friend coming home with us tonight.” Make sure to follow up with a smile, chuckle and a playful touch. Let he know what your intent is, that you are interested in her, but also don’t let her control the situation and make demands that you blindly follow. You will seem desperate even if you are not. She is shit testing you to see if she can bilk you out of drinks. If a man just blows money on her and her friend, the woman will most likely leave you even if she is physically attracted to you. This is because it is still just a game to her and you were not man enough to put your foot down and tacitly set the rules of the game. Take the little “shit tests” women give you and playfully mold them into your own terms and don’t let the woman control the game. Remember, the one who controls the game sets the rules for scoring!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Professor is saying, Why You Have to Believe You’re The Shit.

Women can pick up on how confident a guy is much easier than any man can. It’s a skill they’ve been trained to do since they were little girls. You can probably remember being in elementary or high school and seeing a group of the “popular” chicks picking on another girl or group of girls relentlessly until she developed a noticeable eating disorder. Did you ever wonder how girls know who to pick on? It’s not necessarily how they look…if you’ve ever seen a group of hotties with a few monsters in the mix, you know that hot groups of chicks don’t always rule out the possibility of hanging with ugly chicks. Women can identify subtle insecurities in everyone regardless of the physical appearance. Those girls that get picked on and develop those eating disorders didn’t think highly of themselves to begin with, and the other girls would pick up on the low self esteem and insecurities and swoop in for the kill. This phenomenon has only changed slightly since high school. We all know how bitchy women can be to each other about the stupidest shit, all the time pecking away at possible weaknesses. Nonetheless, it helps to recognize that women are keenly aware of how confident those around them are…or at least how confident those around them appear to be. Like my man David DeAngelo once said,
“Ask yourself, ‘How would I walk if I believed that I could make any woman feel great inside?’, ‘How would I talk if I believed that I could make any woman feel great inside?’, ‘What would the expression be on my face if I believed that I could make any woman feel great inside?’, ‘How would I act differently if I were the kind of man that women dreamed about?’ Then start doing these things. When you’re talking to a woman, imagine how good you’re going to make her feel. Fake it till you make it. Just do it. Women will notice.”
Back to what I said earlier about chicks being downright mean to other chicks. It happens all the time…if you’ve ever been in the company of a group of women acting how they do when men aren’t around - maybe by overhearing a conversation of a group of close female friends who didn’t know you were listening - they can be brutal in judging each other. Most women do it, but beautiful women have a side of themselves that they’d never admit to anyone, no matter how comfortable they felt. The secret that these sexy women harbor is that they want a man who is in control of himself, everything around him, and especially, in control of her.
Now, just imagine the feminazis going “APE SHIT” at the sound of that, but it’s true…even the feminazis secretly feel that way. And not only that, but beautiful women have a strong contempt for people who don’t or can’t control themselves and their realities, especially if those people are men. Those men are perceived with lesser stature and are then less desirable. Have you ever seen a woman reject a guy at a bar? Especially if the chick is gorgeous and knows it, they can be absolutely brutal. I’ve seen normal, nice guys approach a beautiful girl in a bar and before the guy has a chance to say anything she says, “Go away, I’m not interested.” Anyone who would do that to a seemingly normal person must not think to highly of him, and that’s exactly right. Those beautiful women don’t think too highly of most guys who approach them, in fact, they secretly despise most of them. But it’s not because they’re sick of being hit on…I mean, if there’s one thing women cannot get enough of it’s attention. The reason these chicks are so mean is because of the way the guy approaches…they can see within seconds that this guy, while maybe a nice, normal guy, is, quite frankly, a PUSSY! And pussies are just the guys who women have the strongest contempt for.
The mistake most pussies make is that they assume that just because women accept their gifts and drinks and whatever else these pussies give away for free, that the women will like them better because of what they’re giving. Not the case…rather, the more a guy gives to a women, the more her contempt builds for him. And it makes sense why…I mean, the guy that buys girls drinks at a bar who thinks that’s a good way to get laid at some point obviously has no idea how women work, women see this and while they may have no problem taking free drinks from every sucker who offers them, they see right through the ploy…women know damn well the only reason you’re buying them drinks is because you want to “get some.” This flagrant use of cash to impress makes a man seem more desperate and thus less desirable in those same women’s eyes.
A guy who genuinely believes he’s the shit isn’t going to spend money on some chick he barely knows, in hopes that she’ll somehow like him better because of it. Rather, he walks around talking to whoever he wants, enjoying himself knowing that every chick in the place would be lucky just to talk to him. So far we have discussed the most common mistake men make, splashing money around buying chicks they just met anything from the bar. This approach just highlights the more important issue about self worth and your outward projection of this confidence which is the key underlying issue. Since many women are very perceptive about how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. They are constantly assessing everyone around them, including you! This is why it critically important to project confidence by your attitude and actions (no pissing your $$$ away on dumb broads who haven’t done any thing to earn those drinks).
Since women are acutely aware of you it is important to project that image a high self worth, control and confidence. Ways to exude these traits include these 6 things:
-Smiling/laughing (emphasizes overall sense of happiness/wellbeing and satisfaction)
-Funny/witty comments (indicates intelligence, engagement, control and confidence)
-Confident/good posture/body language (shows confidence, self worth and makes you physically look better)
-Maintain Eye contact (never break eye contact or look away when you connect eyes, shows confidence, and control and promotes self worth)
-Pay attention to nervous habits (no fidgeting/heavy breathing/swallowing, shows confidence and control)
-Slight touches (shows confidence with subtle touching, shows her that you control your personal space and the space between you)
If you can do all the above 6 things you will start projecting the outward appearance of confidence and self worth. You start to become more confident and in control of your own destiny. This skill will take time to perfect but as you hone your skills of self projection you will elevate women’s perceptions of yourself. Remember a woman that is desirable herself wants a desired not necessarily a desirable man. Since just about everyone is trying to fuck her she gets to choose anyone she wants. What sets you apart? You need to carry yourself confidently and pay attention to your image and women’s perceptions of you to even have a chance. Knowing and feeling that you are the “shit” will start a snowball effect or a “forced feedback loop” that will make you infinitely more popular with women. If you start doing the above 6 things smiling, wit, body language, eye contact, no nervous habits, and subtle touching women will perceive and identify your confidence, control and desirability. You will have a “presence” about you, women will then treat you with respect, in higher regard as a more desired person. This phenomenon will gradually perpetuate more confidence for you moving forward. This will be a self fulfilling prophecy, will build on itself and get you that “foot in the door” you need to close the deal. These are the first steps to creating desire, and initial attraction. Building that attraction and creating intense feelings with women to make her want to fuck your brains out have been and will be discussed in later articles. Remember, knowing you’re “The Shit,” and believing you are “The Shit” will make you “The Shit” so get out there and Fuck Some Shit Up!

Flirting: More Limit, More Fun!

Flirting is one kind of communicative way to learn people. This kind of interaction serves to be the best way to find more essential relationship in life. Flirting is as ancient as Adam and Eve; mostly everyone may have come across such experiences. Varying according to the culture and country they live, mostly all people may have come across this kind of experience. People may have gone mad or human race would not have promulgated this extend and every human being has the urge to interact with the opposite sex.
Flirting: A base to evolution
Flirting plays an important role in evolution and many psychologist have found out that civilization takes its shape all because of flirting. Communication ability is the first thing that differentiates man from animals and language is the only mode that plays an important role in the endorsement of manners and courtship. Flirting allures everyone and entices people to fall in to a kind of world of intoxication where partners in sex. The scientific advancements are playing important role in shrinking the world into a small village and they are simply the best side effects of romance and flirting.
Everything has its own limits and manners. People who involve in flirting must know the set of manners to be followed. These are merely spoken words to do with the morale of the humankind and they are not given in the form of black and white. Even though these manners and laws are just spoken ones, people follow them without any difficulty. If such rules or laws are broken by anyone, that shows the selection of wrong person at wrong place.
Human mind is something that cannot be explored that easily. Understanding your partner is the most difficult task under the sun and only through the cues that are left by the partner you can learn him or her. Friendliness should never be mistake for sexual interest. Giving up wrong signals to others is not accepted in the highly orthodox society and society doesn’t entertain such things. Such fear in people is the reasons why few take much time to give flirtation signals soon to the opponent. Hence, the social researches are made on this field to find out the set of expected consequences.
There are many occasions that favour people to flirt. Parties, other occasions, celebrations and important social celebrations and parties are the few that help people to flirt with other sex. The best and important occasions that support people to spend much time on flirting and they are expected to follow the social sanctions. Only adequate and tolerable social behaviour are the unwritten laws that people who flirts use. And it common that majority are sticking to the manners and laws in flirting

How To Find Out Guys Flirting?

One guy appears out of the blue and starts talking with you. You don’t know who he is, but still he converses with you in a way that he knows you for years. The intention of the guy could be friendly, or he may be flirting. The task lies on your shoulders to find out what he is really up to.
If He Is In Your Personal Space, The Guy’s Flirting
Wondering what a personal space is? Well, personal space refers to the twelve inches around you. In certain situations like that of a crowded mall you happen to be in the personal space of others, you can’t help this. But at a place where the crowd is very less there is no justification for being in other personal space.
You are in such a situation. The guy is staying behind you even when there are plenty space in the room. This shows that the guy’s flirting in the subtlest way. Only those who find themselves attracted to others will behave in such a manner.
When The Guy Triggers A Conversation, Does That Mean The Guy’s Flirting?
The answer for the above question is yes for some situations and no for few. Some guys who are gifted with the talent of flirting starts up the conversation in an easier way. Many guys flirt just for fun. In the conversation if he mentions about his life partner, it indicates that the guy is trying to be friendly. If he doesn’t make any mention about his better half, it is obvious that the guy’s flirting.
Subliminal Signs That Shows The Guy’s Flirting
At times the guy flirts in a subliminal way. This is more likely to happen if he is a shy type person. A guy who lacks the confidence to convince the other sends out the subliminal signs that the guy’s flirting. In such cases, note whether the boy is staring for a long time at you, or touches your arm while talking. Dating remains stressful both guys and girls. For girls they are worried about how to please the other and for guys it is the question of how to make the first move that brings in more tension.
Did You Find The Guy Interesting?
Well, you have find out that the guy’s flirting. Now it is you who should decide whether to give encouragement to that guy or decline. Listen to what your heart says. If you find the guy to be interesting, go on and encourage him wholeheartedly.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Flirt Coach: Tricks and Tips

Whether you are a person who is in search of the special someone of your life or the one who has already found the love of life, you require a flirt coach to improve your love life! Bring in the magic of love and relish the joy of love by learning the tips and techniques of flirting.
Find out what a flirt coach is!
As the name goes a flirt coach is the one who gives you the best flirting nuances. You can hone your skills on flirting with the best assistance that you get from the flirt coach. Anyway, don’t think that you have to pay the flirt coach to learn the techniques. Get the advice from your friend who is good at dating, or anyone whom you find to be of greater help.
Flirt Coach Tricks
Once you find out a friend as your flirt coach, make it a point to analyze what made you to choose that person. It could be the way they carry themselves or the way they converse with others that made others to have an interest in them. First find out that could be that before going to the next step. Analyze the situations when you were with that person. There will be many reasons that make the flirt coach whom you have chosen to win the interest of the other especially the opposite sex. Thus, if you wanna get the same response follow suit of your flirt coach.
Go with your flirt coach (it is always better to choose a flirt coach who is single) to a public places like malls, or parks and watch how efficiently your friend uses the techniques of flirting on someone. However, be aware of the fact that flirting in the initial stage will be subtle.
By doing so you can have a better understanding of the flirting technique since you can learn things easily if you have seen it practically! This is the core factor that lets the flirting tricks work! Learning speed is made faster when it is through experience.
From your flirt coach get ideas on dressing styles, how to carry yourself, how you can convince others. Also don’t miss to learn the do not’s of flirting too. Whenever your flirt coach points a mistake in you never react sensitively, since it is the flirt coach who will improve your skills with their talent.


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Girls Flirting Tips and Tricks

Flirting promises you greater fun! For the youth around the world, flirting acts as a greater pastime. Flirting gives one the chance to make friends in an easier way, to show your interest to someone and more. Flirting online is easier since you can easily change your personality according to the situation. Compared to real life situation you can have more options to please the other person when you are online.Useful Flirting Tips For GirlsLike flowers, girls are usually attractive. But, you ought to give more care to the way you dress if you wanna impress the other person. By dressing in a perfect way you can create an impression that will last long. Choosing expensive clothes is not meant by dressing well, it means that you should dress in such a manner to lure the other one towards you. Flaunt an appealing look with your dressing style! For this, you need to find a good tailor first who will be able to stitch in such a way to accentuate your looks. You should look good and feel good to attract the opposite sex. If you do so you will be able to start up a conversation instantly.Send clear signals to tell your interest to the other– being irresistible is the key to a successful flirting. Men prefer those women who are confident that they are attractive and who loves to flaunt it. Thus the flirting tips for girls speak that if you are interested in someone, you should show it. If you do so, it will lead you to the right direction. Respond to compliments in a gracious way. Whenever men give you a compliment respond with a smile, accept the compliment with a smile. If you reject his compliments, it is evident that he won’t be approaching you the next time. If the man is a complete stranger, this flirting tip for girls will work out well.Begin with light conversation – you happen to meet him at a party, and he is standing very near to you. At such situations you can strike up a conversation easily. Express your interest in a subtle way so that he will be willing to talk with you. If he remains numb to your approach, change your attention to someone else.Enjoying the moment is the best flirting tip for women. If you are in a happy mood, it will reflect in your words and your behavior. You prefer to leave an impression that will last longer, don’t you? So try to be active and cheerful always and make the other one feel more comfortable with your presence. Learn the flirting tips for girls and lure your dream man in an easier way.

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